At the young age of 12, Nelum Walpola achieved international acclaim winning the first prize at an International Children’s Art competition conducted by Jaycees. The following two years saw her reap higher rewards winning prizes at the prestigious International Children’s’ art competitions. A career thus started continued to received frequent recognition well into her adult life.Nelum’s art today reflects a universal flavor that often draws from her rich international and multi cultural experience. These influences give her creations a unique character.Through her works, Nelum has established herself as a painter at ease with Oils, as well as Watercolors and Pastels. In her abstracts, she combines daring and bold colors with a wonderful smoothness.
As a naturalist, her talent to bring in light to all paintings is truly captivating.Touched by the recent tragedies in the world, Nelum’s works often carry a message of peace and freedom. Her recent painting titled ‘Unity’ was adjudged one of three winners of the “Downtown Mural Project” of the city of Plano, Texas. ‘Unity’ is now part of the downtown Plano landscape.A native of Sri Lanka, Nelum works out of her home studio in Plano, Texas, U.S.A. She has held several exhibitions around the world and appreciates the growing public response for her work locally and Internationally.